import random game = True def main(): dimensions = ['Candyland', 'Aether', 'Skylands', 'Caves', 'Fireworld', 'Underwater', 'Fruityland'] WL = {'Candyland': 1, 'Aether': 1, 'Skylands': 1, 'Fireworld': 0, 'Underwater': 0, 'Fruityland': 1, 'Caves': 0} print('''You can chose any number from 1 to ''' + str(len(dimensions)) + ' That number will chose the dimension, but the order shown below is not correct') for i in dimensions: print(i) x = input('in> ') try: x = int(x) except: print("You have to eneter a number") main() return False if x < 1 or x > len(dimensions): print("The number you have to eneter has to be between 1 and " + str(len(dimensions))) dimensions = dimensions random.shuffle(dimensions) print("You went to " + dimensions[int(x)]) if WL[dimensions[int(x)]] == 1: print("You Won!") else: print("You Lost!") about = 'Guess a correct portal number to win' if __name__ == '__main__': main()