Restart Game
Click on the game to control pieces
Use left, right and down arrows to move
‘A’ and ‘D’ to rotate
Made in, the Python 1 course, not cross-platform compatible but source code is below
This is like tetris but doesn’t keep score.
import turtle, random screen = turtle.Screen() screen.bgcolor("black") screen.delay(0) sprite = turtle.Turtle() sprite.penup() sprite.speed(0) sprite.color('white') #Shapes Informations shapes = {} blocks = {} blocks['j'] = ("blue", [(0,0),(-20,-20), (-20,0), (20,0)]) blocks['o'] = ("red", [(0,0),(0,-20), (-20,-20), (-20,0)]) blocks['z'] = ("green", [(0,0),(0,-20), (-20,0), (-20,20)]) blocks['l'] = ("yellow", [(0,0),(20,0), (-20,0), (-20,20)]) blocks['i'] = ("brown", [(0,0),(-20,0), (20,0),(40,0)]) blocks['s'] = ("violet", [(0,0),(0,20), (-20,0), (-20,-20)]) blocks['t'] = ("purple", [(0,0),(20,0), (0,-20), (0,20)]) shapes['p'] = ((-10,-10), (-10,10), (10,10), (10,-10)) shapes['j'] = ((-30,-30), (-30,10), (30,10), (30,-10), (-10,-10),(-10,-30)) shapes['o'] = ((-30,-30), (-30,10), (10,10), (10,-30)) shapes['z'] = ((-30,-10), (-30,30), (-10,30), (-10,10), (10,10),(10,-30),(-10,-30),(-10,-10)) shapes['l'] = ((-30,-10), (-30,30), (-10,30), (-10,10), (30,10),(30,-10)) shapes['i'] = ((-30,-10), (-30,10), (50,10),(50,-10)) shapes['s'] = ((-30,-30), (-30,10), (-10,10), (-10,30), (10,30),(10,-10),(-10,-10),(-10,-30)) shapes['t'] = ((-10,-30), (-10,30), (10,30), (10,10), (30,10),(30,-10),(10,-10),(10,-30)) for i,j in shapes.items(): screen.register_shape(i,j) sprite.shape('p') #Game Set Up block = sprite.clone() letter = "" shape = "" Left = -100 Right = 80 Bottom = -160 Top = 140 size = 20 pixels = {} for i in range(Bottom,Top+size,size): pixels[i] = {} for j in range(Left,Right+size,size): pixels[i][j] = sprite.clone() pixels[i][j].goto(j,i) pixels[i][j].stamp() #Game Loop def reset(): global letter, shape letter = "jozlist"[random.randint(0,6)] shape_info = blocks[letter] block.seth(0) block.goto(0,Top) block.shape(letter) block.color(shape_info[0]) shape = shape_info[1][:] drop() def drop(): if(check_bound(0,-size,shape)): block.goto(block.xcor(),block.ycor()-size) screen.ontimer(drop, 800) else: if(block.ycor() != Top): add_to_bound() check_row() reset() #Bounding Area bound = {} def check_bound(dx,dy,offsets): x = block.xcor() y = block.ycor() for i in offsets: ty = y+i[0]+dy tx = x+i[1]+dx if(ty < Bottom or tx < Left or tx > Right or (ty in bound.keys() and tx in bound[ty])): return False return True def add_to_bound(): x = block.xcor() y = block.ycor() for i in shape: ty = y+i[0] tx = x+i[1] if(ty not in bound.keys()): bound[ty] = set() bound[ty].add(tx) pixel = pixels[ty][tx] pixel.color(block.fillcolor()) #Keyboard Controls def move_by(dx,dy): if(check_bound(dx,dy,shape)): block.goto(block.xcor()+dx,block.ycor()+dy) def left(): move_by(-size,0) def right(): move_by(size,0) def down(): move_by(0,-size) def rotate_left(): global shape t = [] for i in shape: t.append((i[1],-i[0])) if(check_bound(0,0,t)): shape = t block.left(90) def rotate_right(): global shape t = [] for i in shape: t.append((-i[1],i[0])) if(check_bound(0,0,t)): shape = t block.right(90) screen.onkey(left, "Left") screen.onkey(right, "Right") screen.onkey(down, "Down") screen.onkey(rotate_left, "A") screen.onkey(rotate_right, "D") screen.listen() #Collapsing Rows #start your code here def check_row(): full = (Right - Left + size)/size t = sorted(bound.keys()) up = 0 for i in t: while(i + up in bound.keys() and len(bound[i + up]) == full): up += size if(up > 0): if(i +up in bound.keys()): bound[i] = set(bound[i + up]) for k in pixels[i].keys(): if pixels[i + up][k].isvisible(): pixels[i][k].color(pixels[i + up][k].fillcolor()) pixels[i][k].st() else: pixels[i][k].ht() else: del bound[i] for v in pixels[i].values(): reset()